报告题目:Fractals and Fractal Transformations(分形与分形变换)
时间:2017年11月9日 下午15:00
报告人:Pro. Michael Barnsley (Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University)

Michael BARNSLEY is a leading figure in the world of fractals. He obtained his BA (1968) in mathematics at Oxford University, UK and a PhD (1972) in theoretical chemistry at Wisconsin, USA. He has been a professor at Georgia Institute of Technology and a founded the company Iterated Systems Inc in 1987. He is the author of over 200 publications including the books Fractals Everywhere and SuperFractals.
ABSTRACT: Fractal transformations are a way of changing smooth objects into rough ones, and vice versatile. They have exciting potential applications in science and art. This lecture will explain in simple terms, what fractals and fractal transformations are, and how they can be built and explored (easily) using the "Chaos Game”.
